Opulous Announces Roadmap Update for 2023–24

10 min readJul 13, 2023


We’re thrilled to share our roadmap update, taking us through the rest of 2023 and into 2024.

This year has been off to an incredible start with the successful launch of our MFT Platform, featuring four consecutive sell-out MFT sales. We’ve already witnessed exciting milestones like the launch of our new website, Opulous London Event, the introduction of Opulous AI, new artist announcements, upgraded OPUL Staking Pools, and new raffles.

But the journey doesn’t stop there. As we step into Q3 of 2023, it’s time to reveal our roadmap update, showcasing new developments in the Opulous ecosystem for this year and beyond!

Music Reward Distributions

The next round of music reward distributions will include the following MFTs:

  • Lil Pump — Mona Lisa
  • Kyle — It’s Not So Bad
  • Ard Adz — Patek Myself

In the upcoming weeks, we will complete this distribution process. Music reward distributions will be claimable via the Opulous dashboard in USDC. We will share videos on claiming music rewards to make it easy for MFT holders.

It is also important to note that we will match Kyle’s first music reward distribution 1:1 with OPUL tokens as a sign of our appreciation for your patience!

MFT & NFT Distributions

The next round of MFT and NFT distributions will include the first four MFT sales that have taken place on our new MFT Platform:

  • Nito NB — “Fashionably Late”
  • Lalo Ebratt — “Bubbaloo”
  • Hunter As a Horse — “The Empyrean Collection”
  • Kadeem Tyrell — “Vinyl Collection”

In the upcoming weeks, we will complete this distribution process. MFTs and NFTs will be claimable via the Opulous Dashboard. We will share videos on How To Claim MFTs and NFTs, to make the whole process as easy as possible!

Moving forward, after completing the initial round of MFT and NFT distributions using our new process, future distributions will be faster, taking place within the week following the closing of the MFT sale. We are thrilled and grateful for the unwavering support of our community throughout this journey!

Perk Distributions

We will initiate perk distributions in conjunction with our MFT, NFT, and Music Reward distributions. If you have qualified for perks, Opulous will contact you via email with further instructions. Get ready to receive your incredible perks!

MFT Sales

Our initial four MFTs sold out rapidly, but we’re not done yet! We have recently announced our next sales, including:

  • Yera — “Double Collection”
  • Navy — “Queen of Wands”

More MFT sales from our amazing roster of artists will be announced very soon, so stay tuned and keep your eyes on socials for updates!

MFT Checkout Improvements

We have identified several areas for improvement in the checkout process to improve user experience. Our primary focus will be addressing bugs and optimizing the process. One prominent issue we have received feedback on is the reservation bug, which resulted in specific amounts of OPUL locked during the reservation stage. This led to errors and disruptions during the purchasing process for users.

To address this, we will display the available amount at purchase. This locked amount represents the maximum available, ensuring a seamless transaction. Users can conveniently make purchases and have the flexibility to return later for additional MFTs.

Our goal is to create a smooth and hassle-free experience for all users. We are committed to delivering these improvements for a more enjoyable checkout process!

MFT Exchange

The MFT Exchange is an innovative platform poised to revolutionize the trading of music assets. With its cutting-edge features, including an order book exchange, trading pairs, and quick-swap functionality, we aim to offer users a seamless and efficient trading experience. Our focus on security and user-friendliness ensures a trusted environment for music asset trading.

Crypto Payments for MFTs

To improve the adoption and accessibility of MFT sales, will offer crypto payment options. We aim to build a dynamic, diverse ecosystem by incorporating new payment methods. We are dedicated to providing our community a seamless and secure payment experience while embracing the ever-evolving landscape.


OVAULT is a groundbreaking Music Fungible Token (MFT) that offers exclusive access to a curated collection of top streaming catalogs, all within a single token. Handpicked by Opulous’ team of music specialists, the songs included in OVAULT have demonstrated significant streaming success, guaranteeing consistent rewards for token holders.

Over the coming quarter, we’ll begin the marketing roll-out as we prepare to list OVAULT as an upcoming MFT sale on our sales page.

Perks Area Improvements

Our Perks area is undergoing a complete rebuild, transforming it into an exciting and visually appealing section on each MFT sale page. Users will now have a seamless experience viewing and scrolling through various perks offered within each sale. Get ready to dive into the improved Perks area and discover each MFT sale's amazing opportunities!

Security MFTs Trading on Securitize

This quarter, we will also be introducing Security MFT Trading on the Securitize Marketplace for the following MFTs:

  • Lil Pump — “Mona Lisa”
  • Kyle — “It’s Not So Bad”
  • Ard Adz — “Patek Myself”

More updates on the MFT Trading launch will be announced soon, get ready to explore these exciting MFT Sales on the Securitize Marketplace!

OPUL Ethereum Bridge

As we aim to become a multi-chain protocol, we have already introduced our first bridge in collaboration with Messina.One. This bridge facilitates seamless token transfers between the Ethereum and Algorand chains, unlocking access to the Opulous ecosystem.

With this bridge, users can transfer their tokens from Ethereum to Algorand and participate in various Opulous features like the OPUL Staking Pool, Raffles, and MFT sales. Similarly, users from Algorand can bridge their tokens to the Ethereum chain, preparing for future initiatives on Ethereum.

New Partnerships

This quarter, Opulous will introduce a series of strategic partnerships bringing new opportunities to our community. While the first partnership with Messina.One has already started, we have more collaborations on the way.

New Raffles

Get ready for an action-packed quarter with the introduction of new raffles including early access passes to MFT sales, VIP Passes to the highly anticipated Ditto X event in London, exclusive swag packs, and much more.

The only way to participate in raffles is via the OPUL Staking Pool. So join now, stake OPUL and earn raffle tickets to apply for our Raffles.

Music Reward Distributions

At the beginning of each new quarter, we will complete our latest distributions for Music Rewards. We are committed to ensuring a more structured and organized approach to distribution. We appreciate your continued support, and together we’re shaping the future of music!

Daily Streaming Trends

We will also make improvements to the analytics system within our Music Rewards. MFT holders will have access to daily streaming trends, providing valuable insights into the track’s performance across platforms on a day-to-day basis.

MFT Sales

Our MFT sales will continue into Q4, featuring announced and surprise artists!

Credit Card MFT Payments

To increase adoption and enable users to interact with our platform and purchase MFTs easily, we will introduce credit card payments.

Users can buy MFTs using credit cards, making our sales more accessible. This addition will make our sales even more user-friendly, empowering users to participate and engage with our platform easily.

Credit Card OPUL Payments

Furthermore, we will introduce the option of purchasing OPUL tokens directly through our platform using a credit card. This feature will further improve OPUL adoption and accessibility for users to seamlessly participate in the Opulous ecosystem by acquiring OPUL tokens directly via our website.

KYC Integration

We are implementing a KYC (Know Your Customer) integration in our ongoing efforts to comply with legal regulations. This will help us support the laws surrounding our operations. KYC is mandatory in many jurisdictions, as it enables us to collect user information, ensuring compliance and preventing investments from restricted countries. We maintain our commitment to a secure and compliant platform by implementing KYC.

Artist Announcements

As mentioned earlier, as we look to introduce new MFT sales, this will, of course, mean a host of new artists partnering with Opulous. We have already signed numerous artists behind the scenes, which looks exciting. If you are an artist and would like to join Opulous to participate in MFT sales, please apply, and our team will check out your music!

Apply for MFT Sales

New Bridge Integrations

We are working on establishing additional bridge integrations on the Opulous Platform, allowing for seamless participation from different blockchain networks in our ecosystem. Our team is engaging in discussions with various chains to identify the most optimal solutions for our community to leverage our platform effectively. Stay tuned for more updates as we expand our reach and offer even more opportunities for our users.

Website Ambassador Page

Our fantastic team of ambassadors will have their page on the Opulous website. This will be an opportunity to showcase who our ambassadors are and for users to find their contact information if they wish to reach out.

Website Dark Theme

We’re excited to reveal that we are working on an amazing-looking ‘Dark Theme’ for the Opulous website. As we turn the lights out, we will also change our theme on social media to promote this new feature on the website!

Opulous at Ditto X London Event

Opulous will be participating in the Ditto X evening in London. This will be an opportunity for the entire Ditto community to discover all the amazing tools we’re building at Opulous. Our team will take the stage to deliver presentations, feature in panels, and host workshops. The event will likely sell out a three-thousand-capacity venue full of eager music industry professionals and musicians ready to discover Opulous!

Monthly Music Reward Distributions

Starting in 2024, we will transition to a monthly Music Reward distribution model. Music Rewards will be paid monthly, offering MFT holders a more frequent distribution schedule. Get ready to enjoy the benefits of monthly Music Rewards!

MFT Staking

Introducing MFT staking! MFT holders will be able to stake their MFTs to earn additional rewards. Like the OPUL Staking Pool, MFTs will have their staking pools. The more MFTs you stake, the greater the rewards.

Multichain Integrations

In 2024 we will realize our vision of becoming a cross-chain platform by integrating different blockchains. We aim to make Opulous accessible to everyone, and being limited to one chain is not the solution. Embracing a multi-chain model will allow us to connect with new communities, access greater liquidity, and expand our reach across various blockchains.

Walletless Login

As part of our ongoing mission to increase Opulous adoption, we are exploring integrations for wallet-less login solutions. This means users can conveniently hold their balance in an account instead of relying on a separate wallet. We are discussing with various companies to make this a reality and look forward to sharing more details soon.

OPlaque Sales

From 2024 we will be opening the ability to purchase Oplaques for MFT holders. This exclusive offering will be a fantastic opportunity for our community to buy OPlaques of their choice and show off their MFTs in style. This will be a new area on the website and will be amazing!

Opulous AI

Leveraging thousands of data points, Opulous AI projects future income for tracks, albums, and catalogs. This is a pivotal advancement for labels, publishers, and firms that evaluate record deals.

At the same time, it empowers artists to negotiate fair contracts, securing their long-term success. Opulous AI introduces a subscription model that accommodates both individual artists and labels!

No more bad deals. We will be unleashing Opulous AI to the music industry, revolutionizing how music is valued and enabling a fairer and more honest music industry.

Opulous DAO

This new feature on the Opulous Platform will empower our community to use tickets accumulated from participating in the OPUL Staking Pool to vote on decisions for Opulous platform developments and artist releases.

This exciting development introduces a new OPUL utility and fosters a closer connection between our community and team as we build a more inclusive and collaborative ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates on the Opulous DAO!

Opulous Mobile App

Behind the scenes, we have started ideating the Opulous Mobile App. You can utilize our app with your wallet and reap all of the benefits of the Opulous ecosystem. The app will be the hub of discovering everything happening at Opulous, our latest MFT sales, products, and so much more. We can’t wait to launch it!

Referral Scheme

We will be implementing the Opulous Referral Schemes to expand our user base. By referring more users, you’ll unlock greater rewards. While this initiative is still in the early stages of development, it presents a new opportunity for our community to spread the word about Opulous and earn rewards.

Artist Area

We will introduce a specific and tailored artist area on the Opulous website. This will allow artists to upload songs, check stats and see how their music performs. It will also showcase the number of votes they have received from the Opulous DAO to launch on the platform. This artist hub will serve as a central platform for artists to monitor their progress, track their music performance, and engage with the Opulous community.

Behind the scenes, our team is working overtime to bring you an ecosystem of game-changing music products. With a huge future ahead, our incredible community will be at the heart of it all!

We’d love to hear from you on social media about what you’re most excited about. Follow us on all platforms to stay updated with our latest developments!

(TIP: activate notifications for anything posted by Opulous).

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Opulous is building game-changing music products transforming how artists gain funding and connect with fans!