Opulous Unveils 2024 Roadmap: Pioneering New Music Products Backed by Real-World Assets

14 min readJan 10, 2024


We are excited to unveil our comprehensive roadmap for 2024, a year we expect to be our most significant yet.

Last year, we achieved some huge milestones with our fantastic community. Highlights included record TVL in our OPUL Staking Pools, the MFT Platform launch, over ten sold-out MFT sales, the Opulous London event, huge raffle prizes, and much more. You can discover all of 2023’s highlights here.

As we enter 2024, we’re moving into Opulous 2.0, introducing innovative real-world asset-backed DeFi products on Arbitrum, enabling us to reach a bigger audience and propel us to new heights.

OPUL Token

At the heart of everything we’re building at Opulous is our OPUL token.

We have already integrated OPUL on the Arbitrum network with several leading exchange partners, including Gate, BitMart, and Ascendex, as well as Arbitrum-native DEX like Trader Joe and Camelot.

We have further exchange listings and integrations arriving imminently, but that’s not all. Get ready for more OPUL utilities coming this year throughout each quarter as we strengthen it’s use across our ecosystem.

We’re excited to enter this thrilling phase of our evolution, and we expect OPUL to spearhead our growth in the DeFi-centric Arbitrum ecosystem throughout 2023.

You can find more information on buying OPUL here.

Opulous 2.0

By introducing Opulous 2.0, we’re rebuilding our MFT platform, MFT Exchange, and introducing many new features on solidity layer two, giving our community a better experience than ever and enabling far more users to participate in our ecosystem.

So sit back, relax, grab a beverage of choice, and discover what’s arriving with Opulous in 2024.

Opulous Finance V1: Liquid Staking Pools

The first new product we will introduce in 2024 will be Opulous Finance V1.

In an exciting first for the music and finance industries, Opulous brings music as a real-world asset to a liquid staking format.

This ground-break system allows you to stake your assets in liquidity pools while retaining the flexibility to access them when needed. Unlike traditional staking, where your assets are locked up, liquid staking allows easy entry or exit positions.

With your tokens being liquid, you can use them to participate in newly available functions like yield farming, getting rewarded for adding liquidity on decentralized exchanges, and using the tokens as collateral on defi platforms with our groundbreaking partners like Trader Joe and more to be announced soon.

Opulous Finance is utilizing this model to uniquely bridge blockchain and music asset.. It ensures a steady flow of funds earned from real-world assets to fund our liquid staking pools.

Our innovative liquid DeFi solutions, OVAULT, is the debut product under the Opulous Finance V1 platform. They enable users to participate in one of the fastest-growing real-world assets: music.

OVAULT Liquid Staking

OVAULT enables participants to access a variety of music deals including catalogs and advances.

Music Catalogs

Access an expertly curated music library, with over 300 titles spanning decades, including highly successful and evergreen returns featuring legendary global superstars such as Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Prince, Phil Collins, and contemporary icons like K-pop superstars BTS.

Participants in OVAULT not only enjoy this unique experience but also earn stable rewards. The USDC staked in this pool enables Opulous to expand the music library, benefiting both the artists and the stakers.

Music Advances

Earn from fixed-rate music advances provided to artists, facilitated by our partnership with Ditto Music, an award-winning music distribution company serving over 1 million musicians.

This system has already gained popularity among many large off-chain financial institutions. It’s an exciting time for real-world assets. Banks like Victory Park Capital have already committed $250m into similar stable assets. We are thrilled to open this asset class to the public for the first time.

The rewards are generated via the earnings from the music deals, providing a variable 10% APY.

Get started with Opulous Finance now here.

KYC Integration

We are implementing a KYC (Know Your Customer) integration in our ongoing efforts to comply with legal regulations.

This will help us support the laws surrounding our operations. KYC is mandatory in many jurisdictions, as it enables us to collect user information, ensuring compliance and preventing participation from restricted countries.

We maintain our commitment to a secure and compliant platform by implementing KYC.

Opulous Finance V2: OPUL Integration

New OPUL utility into our Opulous Finance ecosystem will arrive in Q1.

This OPUL integration will work through our well-known Opulous Tickets.

OPUL holders can stake their tokens to generate tickets on the platform and use them to receive priority access to the liquid staking pool pools when staking and withdrawing.

This feature will enable quicker liquidation of positions and faster access to rewards, adding substantial value to holding OPUL tokens and fostering greater community involvement in the platform.

In addition to tickets, users will earn daily OPUL rewards, calculated based on the stake’s size and duration. Participation doesn’t require KYC — just connect your wallet to start staking. Users can also view the projected APY for their stake and see the exact number of tickets they will receive instantly upon staking.

Regarding our current Opulous Tickets on our Algorand, we will offer a smooth transition process of these tickets to your Arbitrum wallet address, allowing you to migrate your existing tickets to the new platform, ready to participate in our new products arriving on Arbitrum.

OPUL Use Case: Priority For Rewards

By offering priority access to liquid staking pools and daily OPUL rewards through the locking of OPUL tokens, this integration enhances user engagement and platform participation, making holding OPUL tokens essential for maximizing benefits within the ecosystem.

Introducing the MFT Platform V1 on Arbitrum

As part of our Opulous 2.0 evolution, we’re rebuilding our Music Fungible Tokens (MFTs) Platform on Arbitrum.

Similar to our platform on Algorand, we’ll offer exclusive chances to buy MFTs and earn rewards alongside groundbreaking artists.

Our new platform will include huge names, with one of the most prominent artists, “Tyga,” joining the new platform.

Our revamped MFT Platform on Arbitrum also transforms how users gain early access to MFTs by incorporating the Priority Score system from Opulous Finance V2 into the MFT sales.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Locking USDC and Tickets: Users start by locking the USDC they are willing to convert into MFT. Along with this, they also lock their Opulous Tickets.
  2. Check Position in Queue: Users can then review their position in the queue, which is determined by the priority score. The Priority Score is calculated by dividing the number of Opulous Tickets by the USDC amount. Adding more tickets results in a higher priority score and an improved queue position.
  3. Claim MFTs: Users receive their MFT allocation in accordance with their score and will then be able to claim their MFTs once the sale has finished. This method guarantees a fair and transparent allocation process, prioritizing users with more Opulous Tickets.

The MFTs will initially be minted on Arbitrum. However, users will have the option to bridge them to their preferred chains arriving in Q3. This new approach ensures a fairer and more streamlined process for accessing MFTs.

OPUL Use Case: Securing pre-sale

Users must stake OPUL to generate Opulous Tickets, granting them pre-sale to MFT drops. A priority score determines the allocation of MFT pre-sale. The priority score is calculated based on the number of tickets a user locks in alongside their USDC when applying for pre-sale. Holding OPUL is key to securing pre-sale to MFT sales.

OPUL Token Lock Mechanism

In our upcoming MFT Platform on Arbitrum, we’re introducing an exciting new OPUL token lock mechanism. With each MFT sale, Opulous collects a platform fee, of which a percentage will be utilized to purchase OPUL tokens from the market and lock them in a wallet. This process effectively reduces the total supply of OPUL tokens.

OPUL Use Case: Scarcity and Value Creation

Reducing the total supply of OPUL through a token lock mechanism, funded by a percentage of fees collected from MFT sales on the Arbitrum platform, creates scarcity and value for OPUL, emphasizing the importance of holding and utilizing OPUL tokens.

MFT Rewards Distribution on Algorand

The latest MFT Rewards for Algorand users will be distributed via the Opulous Platform, claimable via Pera wallet. These rewards will be distributed based on the existing MFT sales from previous platforms. Stay tuned for more updates, which will be communicated via email and social media in the lead-up to the MFT Reward distributions.

DEX & CEX Listings

Throughout Q1, we’re focused on expanding OPUL listings across leading CEX and DEX platforms. We already have several new listings ready across different partners, which we will announce during the promotional period as our Opulous Finance platform launches.

Additionally, we plan to list OVAULT with our Arbitrum DEX partners, starting with our preferred partner, Trader Joe's followed by Camelot.

Opulous Ambassador Program Intake

The newest intake for the Opulous Ambassador Program will arrive in Q1, offering our community a chance to work more closely with the Opulous team. The program has already succeeded, uniting over 25 ambassadors from diverse backgrounds worldwide in support of Opulous. Stay tuned on our social media for more details about how new ambassadors can join in Q1.

Opulous Finance V3: Multichain Liquid Staking Pools

As we enter Q2, we are set to introduce additional blockchain partners into our ecosystem. Our new ecosystem is built on a solidity framework, enabling us to integrate easily with other Ethereum layer two networks.

This expansion will allow Opulous to reach new audiences, enhancing our interoperability and scaling capabilities across Ethereum layer two networks. As always, we will listen to our community for suggestions and preferences for new blockchains for Opulous to feature.

The first product to benefit from this development will be Opulous Finance.

This integration will enable users who stake USDC into our liquid staking pools, like OLOAN and OVAULT, to decide which blockchain to mint their tokens on. This could depend on user preference and what incentives are available on that particular blockchain, such as yield farming.

MFT Platform V2: Multichain MFTs

The next phase of our multi-chain evolution focuses on the MFT Platform. Committed to making Opulous accessible to a broader user base, we plan to introduce additional chains for MFT participation.

This integration will allow users to choose their preferred layer-two blockchain for receiving MFTs. This choice, based on personal preference, will make our platform more attuned to community needs.

MFT Exchange

Based on the Arbitrum network, the MFT Exchange is an innovative platform poised to revolutionize the trading of music assets. With its cutting-edge features, including a user-friendly quick-swap functionality, we aim to offer users a seamless and efficient trading experience. Our focus on security and user-friendliness ensures a trusted environment for music asset trading.

To engage in the MFT exchange, users will be required to bridge their MFTs from Algorand over to Arbitrum, and we’re pleased to announce that the bridge will be available in Q2, ready to facilitate this process for our community. As always, we will provide written and video guides to help facilitate this process!

OPUL Use Case: Trading MFTs

Users will be able to purchase and facilitate the trading of MFTs using OPUL tokens on the MFT Exchange, highlighting the necessity of holding OPUL for seamless participation in MFT trading.

MFT Rewards Distributions on Arbitrum

We are thrilled to announce that starting from Q2, our MFT Reward Distributions will be conducted on Arbitrum.

Our tracking system records the number of MFTs users hold, allowing them to claim their MFT Rewards on Arbitrum each quarter.

Once a reward is claimed for a specific token, it cannot be collected again, ensuring a streamlined and equitable distribution process.

It’s important to note that as of Q2, it will be essential to bridge MFTs to Arbitrum to receive quarterly music reward distributions. As mentioned in the previous section, we will provide written and video guides to facilitate this process.

MFTs Migration (Algorand to Arbitrum)

To continue our evolution into Opulous 2.0, we will migrate all our current Algorand MFTs to Arbtirum.

Alongside our new MFT Platform built on Arbitrum, migrating our existing MFTs will ensure participation in upcoming functionalities such as the MFT exchange and future MFT Reward Distributions.

With our bridging partners, we will ensure a safe, efficient, and smooth translation for migrating MFTs from Algrorand to Arbtrium. We will also provide plenty of guides, and our team will be available to assist users.

MFT Page Improvements

As the quarter continues, we will continually look to improve our MFT platform with different updates. One aspect we have already started on is the overall design of each deal page, making it more user-friendly and more accessible than ever to discover our sales and artists.

Our community feedback is always imperative to us, and we will always be ready to receive suggestions for improvement and ways to make our system more centered around our user base.

OPUL Purchase with Credit Card

Furthermore, we will introduce the option of purchasing OPUL tokens directly through our platform using a credit card. This feature will further improve OPUL adoption and accessibility for users to seamlessly participate in the Opulous ecosystem by acquiring OPUL tokens directly via our website.

Website Ambassador Page

Our fantastic ambassadors will finally have their page on the Opulous website. This will be an opportunity to showcase who our ambassadors are and for users to find their contact information if they wish to reach out.

MFT Platform V3: User Profiles

We are a new feature to the MFT Platform in Q3: User Profiles.

The User Profiles will be a comprehensive update designed to transform the Opulous platform into a more interactive and community-driven space. This feature aims to deepen user engagement by integrating social elements directly into the music experience.

Social Engagements

Users can create personalized profiles, interact with music content, follow artists and fellow users, receive a tailored feed of music and community updates, and have the flexibility to showcase or hide their MFT collections.

Enhanced by real-time notifications and community engagement opportunities, this feature enriches the user experience and fosters a vibrant and interconnected music community within Opulous.

Custodial Wallets

As part of our ongoing mission to increase Opulous adoption, we are exploring integrations for custodial wallet solutions.

This means users can conveniently hold their balance in an account instead of relying on a separate wallet. We are discussing with various companies to make this a reality and look forward to sharing more details soon.

MFT Credit Card Checkout

In Q3, we will introduce credit card payments for the MFT platform. As always, our aim is to increase adoption and enable users to easily interact with our platform and purchase MFTs in further ways to enable better user preference.

Users will be able to buy MFTs using credit cards, making our sales more accessible. This addition will make our sales more user-friendly, empowering users to participate and engage with our platform easily.

MFT Daily Streaming Trends

We will also make improvements to the analytics system within our Music Rewards. MFT holders will have access to daily streaming trends, providing valuable insights into the track’s performance across platforms on a day-to-day basis.

Opulous DAO

At Opulous, our commitment to expanding the utility of our OPUL token and fostering community engagement remains a key focus.

We’re thrilled to introduce the Opulous DAO, an upcoming feature to involve our community in the music discovery journey actively.

This innovative addition to the Opulous platform empowers musicians to upload their songs, making them available for community voting. Community members utilize their Opulous Tickets to vote for their favorite songs, ensuring fairness as each user can vote once per song. Each vote requires a fixed number of tickets, adding value to each decision.

Weekly, the song with the highest number of votes will have the exclusive opportunity to be released as an MFT (Music Fungible Token). This dynamic initiative enhances music discovery while strengthening our community bonds.

This new feature will be vital in harnessing the power of our OPUL token and our fantastic community to influence our upcoming MFT sales and artists.

OPUL Use Case: Influence in the Opulous DAO

Staking OPUL is essential for earning tickets, which can be used for voting and participation in the Opulous DAO, making holding OPUL crucial for influencing the music discovery process and platform governance.]

Opulous AI

Our primary focus is actuating our vision of introducing Opulous Finance while improving our core product in our MFT Ecosystem. But we have some good news, and we’re pleased to announce Opulous AI will arrive in Q4 this year.

Leveraging thousands of data points, Opulous AI projects future income for tracks, albums, and catalogs. This is a pivotal advancement for labels, publishers, and firms that evaluate record deals.

At the same time, it empowers artists to negotiate fair contracts, securing their long-term success. Opulous AI introduces a subscription model that accommodates both individual artists and labels!

No more bad deals. We will be unleashing Opulous AI into the music industry, revolutionizing how music is valued and enabling a fairer and more honest music industry.

Monthly Music Reward Distributions

Starting in Q4 2024, we will transition to a monthly Music Reward distribution model. Music Rewards will be paid monthly, offering MFT holders a more frequent distribution schedule. Get ready to enjoy the benefits of monthly Music Rewards!

OPlaque Sales

OPlaques will be available for purchase directly from our website from Q4.

Previously, OPlaques were exclusively offered as perks for our gold-tier MFT sale participants. However, beginning in Q4 2024, we will introduce a new gated section on our website for MFT and OPlaque NFT holders, allowing them to easily purchase OPlaques directly.

What better way to show off your participation than via a real-life OPlaque!

OPUL Use Case: Direct OPlaque Purchases

Users will have the capability to use OPUL to directly purchase OPlaques from the Opulous Website, adding value to OPUL as it becomes an essential currency for obtaining these collectibles and showcasing MFTs.

More To Be Announced!

This is only the beginning of our roadmap for 2024, and you can expect more items to be added throughout the year as we continue to build and develop our ecosystem of game-changing music products and increase the cases where our community uses OPUL.

Keep your eyes peeled for surprises as we build towards our goal of giving artists new opportunities to secure funding while providing our community new ways to be rewarded by participating in the music industry.

Ensure you have stocked up on your OPUL tokens and are ready to participate in our upcoming ecosystem. You can find more information on buying OPUL here.

With a huge 2024 future ahead, our incredible community will be at the heart of it all. We woulove to hear from you on social media about what you’re most excited about.

Follow us on all platforms to stay updated with our latest developments!

(TIP: activate notifications for anything posted by Opulous).

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Opulous is building game-changing music products transforming how artists gain funding and connect with fans!